What Are Implantable Contact Lenses?
Wanting to see clearly is more than just a convenience. If you are one of the nearly 8 million Americans with visual difficulties, according to theU.S. Census Bureau, wearing glasses
Wanting to see clearly is more than just a convenience. If you are one of the nearly 8 million Americans with visual difficulties, according to theU.S. Census Bureau, wearing glasses
ICL, which stands for implantable contact lens, is basically just that; a lens, much like a contact lens that is implanted inside of the eye. It’s kind of like somebody
What do Swiss precision, astigmatism and nearsightednesshave in common? If you know the answer to this, you have undoubtedly come across the STAAR Visian Toric ICL, which is an amazing
Implanting a tiny plastic lens inside the eye is the standard procedure for correcting cataracts and is also used for correcting the vision in people who are nearsighted, farsighted, and